Show your brand 24/7
In Spain we spend a lot of time in the streets. For leisure, work, shopping... we enjoy the cities and that's why our street furniture plays a key role to reach specific audiences.
In Street Furniture Exterior Plus gives you the chance to impact quality audiences across Spain.
We manage street furniture in all the mediterranean and atlantic coasts, main holiday spots in Spain. Our audience number doubles in summer and we are also present at important inland cities.
Our street furniture communication possibilities go beyond thanks to brand experience campaigns and retargeting mobile, with which you can get a double impact both in the display and on audience's smartphone.
We manage street furniture in all the mediterranean and atlantic coasts, main holiday spots in Spain. Our audience number doubles in summer and we are also present at important inland cities.
Our street furniture communication possibilities go beyond thanks to brand experience campaigns and retargeting mobile, with which you can get a double impact both in the display and on audience's smartphone.
Let the sun light up your brand
We double our audience in summer
Tourism is Spain's main source of income and gathers where we have our main presence, the mediterranean and atlantic coasts. Our coast networks connect with national and internacional audiences during peak seasons.
The average time spent out of home in Spain is 1 hour and 49 minutes. Everybody does, that's why street furniture is able to reach all audiences and build coverage quickly compared to other media.
14-54 years old
Higher education (112 affinity)
A1, A2, B, C (106 affinity)
Works (108 affinity)
Source: EGM. AIMC.
Let's work together.